So today, my friend Sarah and I drove up to Pasadena for the International House of Prayer. Finding the place in itself was quite the adventure -- thankfully God literally YANKED my car to the curb and we had a moment of "OH! There it is!"
We walk in and it's dark, quiet, and there are people gathered together in prayer. Sarah and I decided to quiet our hearts by diving into the Word and worshiping. An hour had gone by in what felt like 10 minutes! I prayed that God would speak to me, and I felt Him saying, "I want to speak to you. There is so much to say, but I want it to be clear." And within seconds, a man named Chris came up to us and asked, "Would it be alright if we prophecied over you?" And I said, "Absolutely."
There is just so much that I could write about! I felt so at ease with these blessed people -- they had such kind hearts that were so receptive to the Lord's voice. Almost instantly after we opened in prayer, a woman named Florence said she saw me at a desk, creating art. Another said she saw a bird, specifically a beak, "an iron mouth that can break through hard surfaces, the mouth of God." Two other women saw shackles and said that one day I would be able to heal others through the power of Christ and my practice as a speech pathologist. Another said she saw me being held by God, and that He wanted so badly to heal the "Father wounds" (My relationship with the men in my family had been severely tested by an instance of sexual abuse from a relative.) Two others saw me running a race, not running but "soaring on the wings of eagles" and leaping over hurdles. Florence added that she saw me and knew that I was a child of God, dearly beloved and cherished. Something I longed to hear from the Spirit. They prayed over me, over my future ministry, that God would break me free from the tough spots in my heart.
Amazing. There is so much more I could say but at this point... all I can say is THANK YOU GOD for bringing me to that incredible place. Thank you for speaking to me so clearly, and for the first time in nearly 2 years... for showing me YOUR love and YOUR light. God is so good!
So Sarah and I, feeling completely refreshed and filled with the Holy Spirit decided to get CHICK'N AND WAFFLES at Roscoes! Mmmm....
Adorable Sarah ready to devour her lunch! She's from Georgia so that girl KNOWS her fried chicken :) |
After eating way too much, we decided to walk it off by exploring the gorgeous Lake Avenue. All the shops and restaurants are so beautiful! We poked through home furnishing stores and fantasized about our future homes. We sat on overpriced furniture and excitedly chattered away about our experience at PIHOP, about marriage, about school, and about how amazing God is and how grateful we were that He revealed a part of His plan for our lives!
On that extremely happy note... I'm going camping tomorrow with family and friends and I'm super excited! This week just keeps getting better. I know I've said this about a million times, but GOD IS SO GOOD! He LOVES us like mad and for the first time in a long time, I know I'm never alone. And that I never was.
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:1-2
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