So much!
Between school, work and just life in general, I've been completely overwhelmed with STUFF. I just need to step aside and let God take control. I always tell myself I'm going to let Him take charge, but I have a nasty tendency to repeat my past mistake of taking on too much.
I deleted my Facebook account. Actually, just deactivated. I feel that it is just too easy to slip into the habit of killing time, catching up with old friends... OK so those things aren't necessarily bad. But Facebook makes it all too easy to see what an old love is doing. What he's been up to. Who he's been talking to. And it makes moving on and staying focused all too difficult. I just need to focus on my graduate applications, making new friends and keeping up with the old ones in a healthy fashion. I always deactivate the thing when there's some "crisis" or I need to eliminate a distraction!
God has convicted me so much in the past few weeks. I feel Him drawing me in, relieving me of my guilt and shame that bogged my heart down for too long. He is SO good and faithful! I was reading Zephaniah 3 the other day. God was so disappointed with Israel -- "The LORD within her is righteous; He does no wrong. Morning by morning he dispenses his justice, and every new day he does not fail, yet the unrighteous know no shame." He forgives us every time even though it breaks His heart when we run. And after all that, He leaves us with this promise:

Another thing is that I know He wants me to build my community of believers. To branch out and reach out to those who do not yet know of God's love, but to also surround myself with faithful friends that I can learn from as well. I had such a wonderful group of Christian friends back in San Diego, but now I feel that God wants me to find people like that back home. It's not going to be particularly easy -- trusting others isn't something that comes naturally! But I know the consequences of a life without faith, and a group of prayer warriors is something that we all need in this life.
Well, with that being said... I decided to take a study break and surfed through Anthropologie's home collection. For some girls, it's shoes or makeup or clothes... for me? It's home decor. My weakness.
I mean really, how cute is that apron? I love. I'd wear it when I bake goodies in the kitchen! But for cooking? I don't cook. Ask me to bake something sweet and delicious and I'll put on a cute apron. Ask me to make dinner and I'd have to wear something along the lines of...

Sad but true.
Love and blessings,
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