It feels so good to be on vacation. Not an actual far-from-home, pack-your-suitcases kind of vacation... but just a break from school and work. I feel that sometimes I can be so hard to please. "God, I want a break." "Wait, God, I want to be busy!" Sounds funny, but I know I do it all the time.
I've spent the past few days with friends that I love and adore. That's what matters most to me this Christmas season.
Another thing is family -- I take them for granted sometimes but I know I am so blessed to have them! We are going to serve at our friend's rehabilitation center today! We're hosting a Christmas party and it is going to be so much fun! I can't wait to serve food, meet new people, play with the kidlets, and most of all bless others in the name of Jesus <3 My faith has been tested in so many ways. Emotional, physical and spiritual health. Satan can slip right past our guard and fill our heads with
lies. But when I am serving others, it is then that I feel closest to Him. When I stop thinking about me me me and start seeing His children as beautiful and worthy to be served. I have been humbled in so many ways... which is painful... but oh so necessary.
"Putting your joy in material things means that anyone, anything can take that away. Put your joy into pursuing eternal life which we have all been given!"
Our pastor told us this at church last night. I know I have put my "joy" in material things... money... school...grades (bleh, grades!). And he was right -- it all slipped away. But putting your joy in Him means never being let down. Which, I've learned, is different from falling. He lets us do that all the time! But as surely as the coming of the dawn, He will respond.
God you are good! May you be blessed through this Christmas season!