The dreaded application process for grad school has finally come.
Oh joy.Moving on...
I'm sitting here writing an essay for my application to SDSU. Oh boy, venti Pike Place Roast and Phoenix's Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix album. NOW you know I mean business. I've been sitting here reflecting on my experiences at UCSD and CSUF... and I realized how awesome my college experience was even though I graduated a year early. So, naturally, instead of pouring my soul into an essay, I thought I'd pour it out on a blog. Bear with me.
Things to do before graduating from college:
Pull an all nighter (or two...or three...or ten...)

Gain fifteen pounds
Live off of mac'n'cheese, ramen, pizza and microwave dinners for too long

Have a major crush on a TA

Fantasize over cute boys in discussion

Ride a bike around campus

Run into something/someone while bike riding

Go jogging by the beach

Have a college boyfriend

Continue fueling caffeine addiction (Note: If you entered college without one, it's time to start!)

Have your own apartment

Drive around with a car full of friends with no destination in mind

Run on the beach at night

Talk to random strangers

Go out dancing

Go gay clubbing

Go bar hopping

Fall hopelessly in love with a friend

Laugh at yourself for falling in love with the friend

Stay up all night chatting with a roommate

Have pillow chats

Yell at your drunk neighbors for being drunk

Rent out a study room and make a party out of it

Roll down a grassy hill. A big one.

Go out for breakfast completely hung over and marvel at how much you can eat

Suck up to a professor

Argue with a TA

Ace an exam that you never studied for

Bomb an exam that you studied your butt off for

Leave knowing that you paid all that money for more than a sheet of paper
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