Why is it that every child dreams that they're being chased by a gigantic thing with teeth?
Why is it that every elementary schooler plays lava monster?
Why is it that something always haunts the closet or lurks in the dark, unknown underside of the bed?
Why is it that every prince has to slay some sort of beast in order to win the heart of the fair princess?
Why do we create such elaborate fantasies that always have some sort of terrifying, mysterious, elusive, dangerous, daunting creature involved?
Every story has a villain.
What I'm slowly finding that the most deadly villain has been one that can't be seen or heard, but can most definitely be experienced. The price of following God is one that cannot be measured -- His death was given so that we may live for Him... which is not always an easy thing to do. I feel that God has given me so many opportunities to bless others. I am so grateful for that! I find joy by being his hands, his feet and spokesperson. I think I understand His love the most when I am passing on HIM to friends, family, or even random strangers in passing. However, Satan sees this and I feel him trying to bring me down. Lately, my happiness has been superficial and my temperament has been less than lovely.
I have always struggled with self-confidence. Especially recently. I never quite feel smart enough, good enough, worthy enough, pretty enough, strong enough, brave enough, kind enough, patient enough... the list goes on.
I would be naive to claim that this inner struggle is unfamiliar to others. I know that I am not the only one to feel insecure at time.
The most formidable enemy is the one that we fight alone.
To be quite honest, I'm not sure what inspired me to write this. But I felt that I needed some sort of outlet to make my declaration. Whatever
monster is trying to keep me from getting out of bed in the morning, whatever
demon is trying to attack my incredible family, whatever
thing keeps telling me that I just don't measure up... it's on.
In this story, I hope that this princess does not let any mortal prince fight her battle for her. Rather, I hope that she realizes who her Creator is and that He is greater than any monster. I hope that the princess ventures into her nightmares, enters dark closets, and passes through fire... only to find that no villain can ever bring her down.